The Rietveld Houses Association is a platform for the exchange of information regarding maintenance, restauration and sustainability among owners and residents of houses designed by Gerrit Rietveld.
This Association was founded in 2019 based on the strong belief that the best guarantee for preservation of Rietveld’s homes is the love and care of their owners and residents. Not just Rietveld’s Iconic Works are worthy of being conserved, the complete oeuvre should be kept intact for future generations, for it is in the vast variety of designs that the quality and originality clearly emerge.
Members of the Association – owners, caretakers, residents and friends – support each other in making the properties future-proof. Through the newsletter and website, members share experience and knowhow on maintenance, restauration and sustainability, post news about selling and buying and exchange any further information that could be of interest. Mutual contact between members is enhanced by meetings, lectures, excursions and open house visits.
Membership is open to all who are interested in supporting the aims of the Association.
For more information about membership and subscription to the newsletter, please send an email to: