
Rietveld’s designs are copyrighted works. The copyright on the complete oeuvre of Gerrit  Rietveld is owned by the ‘Stichting Auteursrechten dr. G.Th. Rietveld’ (Rietveld Foundation). Permission from the Rietveld Foundation is compulsory for the use of his work.


Sarphatistraat 606-608
1018 AV Amsterdam
020 5891840

Pictoright represents the copyright interests of the Rietveld Foundation. Reproduction of (an image of) works by Gerrit Rietveld is subject to the prior written consent of the Rietveld Foundation. For copyright requests, permissions or for more information, please contact Pictoright.

You can submit a request for permission to Pictoright through this form.

Copy for your own use
Rietveld’s work may not be reproduced or made public without the prior permission of the Rietveld Foundation. The Dutch Copyright Act contains a number of exceptions that do not require prior permission, for example in the case of ‘copying for your own use’. Article 16b of the Dutch Copyright Act determines under which conditions it is permitted to make a single copy of a copyrighted work for personal use. Reproduction may only take place without direct or indirect commercial purpose for the personal exercise, study or use of an individual (natural person).

If you have any questions about this, please contact Pictoright.

The Rietveld Foundation has granted a number of companies licenses for the production of furniture and lamps designed by Rietveld. See the page Manufacturers.